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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bullyville by Francine Prose

This story comes from the victim's eyes.  Once called the Miracle Boy, Bart is now call Fart Strangley when he enters his new school, Bailywell.  Bart is having a hard time dealing with the death of a father and the near death of his mom.  And when the prestigious school Bailywell offers him a scholarship to attend, Bart's mom wants him to go.  Despite the many rumors of it being a school for Bullies, Bart makes his mother happy by attending.  I'm sure you can guess what happens next.
This is not a happy book in the least, yet there is one golden moment in the events that unfold.
Not  your typical story.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

This is not your typical sporting event.  It a literally a fight to the death that is televised for others to see.  There are many twists and turns to this adventure, and a lot of breathless moments.  I' not sure how many times I found myself yelling at the characters, or asking "Are you sure you want to do that?"  For my female friends looking for a little romance, you can find it in the book--It is a love that may get someone killed.

Yes, a movie is in the works.  My suggestion:  Read the book first.  The book is always better!  If you have to see the movie first, then be sure to read the book!  And if all else fails, read the book.

T-shirts and other merchandise is already out in the stores.

Author website:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Beautiful Creatures

A haunting love story, a song, a mystery, and something strange is going on.  This a very good book and I would recommended to any student who is looking for something a little different.

Check out the book trailer below!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Wow Factor

I Got To Meet

Heather Brewer and Antony John!

Both authors shared their writing rituals and their ideas about writing.  They fielded questions from the audiance, and shared information about upcoming books (Auntie Heather), and their newest release (Mr. John).
I bought more copies of the Vladimir's and I have a copy of Five Flavors that will be on the shelves soon!
To Learn more about the author's, check out their websites!
Heather Brewer
Antony John

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I was just asked.....

Mrs. Buchanan,  what is your favorite book this year?

So.....I went through my list....So many books.......At this time, I really am enjoying the Dream House Kings (you may have heard me refer to it as the "House of Dark Shadows" series).  In fact, I'm now to book 3.  Yes, I forgot to review book two, but you just can't stop if the book say "This is not the end!"  So I immediately grabbed book 3.  I'm so glad it was on the shelf.

Check out the Dream House Kings website at:

"Oh, no!  There are two more books to the series!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

House of Dark Shadows by Robert Liparulo

House of Dark Shadows
For those of you who like the scary...You have to read this!
For those of you who like adventure... You have to read this!
For those of you who like the unexpected.. You have to read this!
For those of you who like a Murder Myster,
You have to read this!

Recommended to me by another student..I started to read this book, and then I couldn't put it down.  I started talking to characters about not "opening the  door." 
I had my thoughts  about the family moving into such a house.
I believe that the house does have a personality!
So what can I say...good plot, good characters, good setting, it's almost Haloween...
Great Book!
My advice: Becareful when you open the next door!
Who has the next book???
Check out the website

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Legend of The Guardians : The Owls of Ga Hoole - Official Trailer [HD]

Coming Soon (Sept 24th) to a Screen Near You!

The Capture
The Guardians of Ga'Hoole
Kathryn Lasky

O.k. so I'm a little behind the times.  The series is already up to book number 16, and I just finished #1.  I came across this book when I saw a video game commercial for Wii.  I thought interesting, I'll check out the book.  Then on my desk is an article about it coming to the movies.  Of course, there is a website with pictures, videos, and games to go with the book.  You can also check out the movie trailer if you haven't seen it yet.

The Graveyard by Neil Gaiman

ScarY????  Yes and No.  However for my middle school friend that wanted a murder that started the book, here it is!  As Bod's parents were killed, he had slipped from his crib, went down the stairs ( 3 or 5 flights), out the door, up the hill and into the graveyard.  He is granted full use of the graveyard from his friends and new family--the Owens.  So what is it like to live among the dead?  find out in this award winning book!
Don't forget to check out the Book Trailer

The Graveyard Book Trailer Narrated by Neil Gaiman

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Friendship for Today

A Friendship for Today
Patricia McKissack
This story takes place in the mid-1950's when schools become segregated.  The story is based on Mrs. McKissack's own experience as the only black student in her sixth grade class.  The book, written from Rosemary's point of view shows up happens when changes take place.  She is not only going to a new school, but friendships begin to change, illnesses happen, and then there is also the division of her family.  Walk through the school year as Rosemary experiences so many changes.

By the way, did you know that Patricia Mckissack and her husband are Missouri author's.  The live in St. Louis.

FOUND Margaret Peterson Haddix Book Trailer

Review to follow

Found by Margaret Peterson Haddix

 The Missing:Book 1
by Margaret Peterson Haddix

So what would you do if you found out you were adopted?
What would you do if you received a letter stating that you were one of the missing? (Missing what?)
What would you do if you were trapped in a cave?
This fast paced story will have you reading until the early hours of the morning -- (O.k. I couldn't put the book down!)
For those of you who already enjoy many of the Haddix books, you may want to add this to your list.  It's a mystery, adventure, and even a fantasy, all rolled into one.

To find other books by Margaret Peterson Haddix check out her website:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

by Di Toft

Ever since Twighlight has hit the shelves, vampire books have been the rave for teen readers.  Have we forgotten the werewolf?  Not quite Di Toft has written a story about Nat Carver who has gotten himself a dog.  But is it?  This dog is a shape shifter that belongs to an elite group of wolves that once help to protect the Kings of England.  Read Nat's adventure from dog show to an experimental lab in the depths of the forest.

I give this book a 2 thumbs up!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

As Simple as it Seems

  As Simple As It Seems,

Have you ever wished that you were someone else?  Vebena gets the chance and takes it.
This short novel talks about how we see ourselves...and those things that influence what we see about ourselves.
Maybe I should mention that there is a reason that Vebena is wanting to be someone else...Vebena finds out that she is  adopted.  She also finds out that her real mother was an alcoholic. The main part of the story though, is on her life with her adoptive parents and the adventure she has during the summer.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Grimm Legacy

I just finished this book. I really enjoyed it! It is a mystery with a little romance! Magic is everywhere. I wished that I could work with all of the magical objects. Check out the book trailer, then check out the book!

You may also want to check out the author website:

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What do a curse, a murder, and a snowboard have in common?
You will enjoy reading Tor's adventure as he tries to solve this curse that could  ruin his life.

Snowboarding anyone?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Books to Movies and Movies to Books

Books To Movies

Coming soon--This week already!

From the "Twilight Series" to the screen.  This is the 3rd book of the series and the beginning of all of the vampire books out there now.  Yes, you may catch me at the theater to see this!

Lightening Thief
Has now gone from the big screen to the home screen.  The reviews that I heard from some of my trusted book readers--it wasn't that great.  Just a reminder to all that you should always try to read the book!  It could be better than the movie (especially if not everything in the book can be adapted to the large screen.

Movies to Books
Sometimes things work the other way.  The movie is made first and then the book and other "stuff" for you to buy is on the shelf.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Looks like it will be a great movie.  It was suggested that I might watch Fantasia (I hate to admit that I have never seen this movie) first, because some of the scenes are repeated.  While looking for information on this movie, I also found out that it is related to a poem written a long time ago.

Does Mrs. Book-in-Hand Like Everything

Yes, I have an avatar!  Believe it or not, I use to look this way in high school!

Do I like everything I read?   NO!

Like you I have likes and dislikes:
I like bumper cars, I don't like rides that whip you around!
I like pizza, I don't like liver!
I like mystery books, I don't like Science Fiction

I read many things to have an idea of what is out there, so that I can match books to customer.

I just finished reading One Hundred Cupboards (not in our library).  A young man has lost his parents (I'm not exactly sure how), and is living with his aunt and uncle.  In this house, one door does not open...(funny part) the uncle tries a variety of ways to getting it opened. Did I mention it has been locked for over two years?  There are bumps in the night.  The plaster in the room begins to fall, and a door is revealed.  And with a lot of work--99 others.

For me, the book was not the greatest....and there were lots of things missing from the story (my opinion).  It didn't have an looks like the beginning of a series.   However, if a student were wanting this type of book, then I would suggest it.  Who knows they may like it??? 

My suggestion to you--preview the book--look at the jacket, maybe visit the author's website, read the first page or two.  If you don't like it...Why waste your time on it.  (Unless of course, it is a book that is read by the whole class)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Enchanted Glassy by Diana Wynne Jones

Ms. Jones is an author from England.  All of her books are fantasies that deal with magic.  In this story, Professor Andrew Hope has inherited his grandfather home and duties.  When he begins taking over the manor, his grandfather's employees are not sure if this "Man in his own world." will be able to handle the duties that his grandfather has also passed down.  With monster size vegetables, weredogs, and giants, Andrew and his newest responsibility Aiden try to keep the community from being taken over by Mr. O. Brown.

If you like this book, you may want to try the other books by Diana Wynne Jones.  Check her website out:

Sports Camp by Rich Wallace

With it being summer, some kids are thinking about going to camp.  There are camps for scouts, church, and sports.  At Camp Olympia, boys participate in a variety of sports--basket ball, softball, water polo, and even swimming, track, and even karaoke.  In this small world of camp Riley worries about the same things everyone worries about, fitting in.  Riley already has a few strikes against him, being the youngest, and smallest at camp.  Even if you don't get the chance, escape with Riley as he explores the life at camp and learns to compete with the best of them.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Boost by Kathy Mackel

Calling all Girl Athletes!  Here is a Book Just for you!
Guys, you will like also!

If you want to be the best at anything not just sports, you need to "Boost" your game.
This is the first book that I have personally read that deals with girl athletes.  (Oh, I remember that there was a soccer player in the Traveling Pants series)
 The story is about Savvy, an 8th grade basketball player,  and her friendships, her trials with making a select team, her family troubles, school, and her relationship with her sister.
The story begins with Savvy and her family moving from New Mexico to Rhode island.  Savvy is trying out for basket ball.  She's got the talent and skills to easily make the team.  But she also likes to challenge herself, and with her new friend Gonzo, they try out for the 18 and under select league.
Occassionally, I was lost due to the basketball terms, but then I'm not a basketball player or sports announcer. However, I was able to tell if the team was winning or not, and I could get a glimps of what was happening and I did enjoy the different plots.
There is also a message about steroids that is very important for athletes!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Roy Morelli Steps Up to the Plate by Thatcher Heldring

What a way to start summer than with a baseball story.  Roy, All Star team member,  has a few problems with school (who of us don't--there are still somethings I dont' like to, but have to study).  In order to be eligible to play high school ball, he is going to have to get his history grade up.  In addition to this he has a mother who is upset with the grade, he has a girl that he is interested in, his father is seeing a teacher, and he is now on a  rec team rather than his All Star team.. How could he possibly show Coach Harden how good of a player he really is?

Unfortunately, no book trailer for this book (bummer)
So my challenge--Enjoy your summer
More books will be coming.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

ZebraFish by Peter H. Reynolds

I know--I just don't have many graphic novels in the library.  This one is really good.  It is a fast read (not many words to read) and it has a message.  If you are someone who wants to make a difference in the world, this maybe the book you would like to try first.

check out the book screening at here!

Interested in making a difference?  Let's see what we can do!
You may also want to check this site out:

Is It Night or Day? by Fern Shumer Chapman

Need a good historical fiction book?  This is one of the best that I have read in a long time (It made the Top 10 Historical Fiction for Teens list by Booklist) . The story starts in Germany in 1938.  Children are being sent to safety by their parents.  Many of these children do not know why.  This is the story of a separation of a young girl (age 12) and her family.  This is the beginning of the end, the Holocaust.  Edith's parents were able to collect enough money and find a sponsor to take their daughter in America.  This is her story of the travels, the people she meets on they way, and dealing with the world around her.  Although this is a historical fiction, it is based on the story of the author's mother.  I think kids will find this book just as moving as the story of Anne Frank.
For more information on the author and book:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Kane Chronicles, Book One: The Red Pyramid

Another book trailer.  Since this book company is owned by Disney, I wonder if we will be seeing a movie in the future!

Ali Sparkes Frozen in time

Wow...I love the Book Trailer.  I'm hoping that this will work for my readers.  If it does--Wow!

Time Travel Challenge

Frozen In Time
Ali Sparkes

This fall, I will be offering a couple of book challenges to my 7th and 8th grade classes.  More will be said about the challenges in the fall.  One book could fit in a couple of the challenges would be this one (Time travel challenge, Reading Around the World, or Reader's Choice).
Frozen in time takes place in 2010 in London.  Two of the characters, Freddy and Polly's story actually begins in 1956.  Imagine how life can change in 54 years.  The mystery is ... who did this to them, where is the father, is he still alive, and will they be able to make the survive after 54 years in a tank.
This book is a little challenging due to the fact that it is written by a British author, but I think that you will enjoy the story.

Challenge:  Interview someone about 50 years older than you, and find out about some of the differences in music, television, past-times, manners, roles of girls and boys! 

Check out Ms. Sparkes website:

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rick Riordan Fans

I've decided to start my summer with an award winning author Ric Riordan.  Have you finished with Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods? I've heard that the movie wasn't very good if you had read the books.  Mr. Riordan has started a new series with his new book the Red Pyramid.  Now we mix the mortal world with the world of pharoes and magicians of Ancient Egypt. The story is told by two narrators, Carter and Sadie who are brother and sister.  The mystery revolves around the death of their parents and the ending of the world as we know it. 

OMG! you've go to see the website--it has a book trailer (like the movie trailers you see in theaters), it has a special game that if you solve it you can mee the author or win a gift package.  It has character cards to help you keep track of the good guys versus the bad...It looks like lots of fun.  Check it out for yourself. 

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Deep and Dark and Dangerous by Mary Downing Hahn

Mark Twain Winner for 2009-2010

Although we no longer participate in the Mark Twain Award nominees, I still keep several of the books on the shelf.  So as I was leaving the library Friday, I decided to take this home to read.  (She is one of my favorite ghost story writers.)  And like many of the other books that I have read of hers, this one fits it's title.  I could not put this one down. 
In this book, two moms are suffering for things in the past, and their two daughters try to discover the secrets.
I don't want to spoil the story, so I will say no more!  :)

Don't forget to check out her website:

Oh no!  There are books on the list that I haven't read. Well I guess I know what I'll be doing for the summer.

Friday, April 30, 2010

The Brain Finds a Leg by Martin Chatterton

Something strange is going on in Australia.  The whales as well as other animals are acting strange--my favorite is the alligator (Mavis) who believes he's a dog.  Then there is the murder of the famous surfer.  Sheldon McGlone is asked by Theophilus Nero Hercule sherlock ... the name goes on for ever (better known as the Brain) to help solve the murder. 
For my friends that like some gun action, there is a scene where Sheldon runs.....(Oh wait, that will give the ending a way)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Life Is What It Is." Shark Girl by Kelly Bingham

What I like about Shark Girl is that you get to the heart of someone's feelings about themselves. Jane has suffered through a tragedy, and you get her view of what has and is happening to her.  Her view of how she is adjusting to her new life.

I also like the fact that the story is made up of short passages and poetry--not chapters.  It makes the book  move faster.

Warning:  it is can be a tear jerker.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Missouri Truman Award Winner for 2009-2010 School Year


The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd

2nd Place

Cracker: The Best Dog in Vietnam

3rd Place

Carpe Diem

If you have a chance, pick one of these up for the summer!

If you are a person who chooses a book by it's cover--and you didn't read Carpe Diem, I would suggest covering the cover and reading the inside only!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Carpe Diem by Autumn Cornwell

This was one of the lasts books for me to read on the Truman Award Nominee list. What a shame, it was probably one of the funniest stories that I have ever read. And for my girls who ask for love stories, I think that you would like this one.

So why didn't I read it first--the cover, while very appropriate for the story itself, scares off the boys, and gets disapproving nods from parents of middle schoolers. In fact one parent, during a school walk through didn't approve of the cover. "Why would you put a book with that cover-on the shelf for 7th and 8th graders?" hmmm.... (Notice that it is not on the blog???? I really tried to add the cover of the book...and the blog won't let me....hmmmm....)

The beginning of the story can be a little hard to get into....genius girls, high vocabulary, and "loving school" so much that they want to exceed high school with 5.3 grade point averages?????
It gets very interesting when the girl with the plan, goes to Malaysia to visit an artistic grandmother who just doesn't fit into anyone's plan...

I highly recommend the book--yes it is probably more of a "girl" book. I think that it would be cool if Ms. Cornwell were to do a sequel with Hank's side of the story.

Check out Autumn Cornwell's web-page for more information about the author and what inspired her to write Carpe Diem:

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Break Reading

What a week. Lots of things going on, however, I did start and finished the book Dormia. Alphonso has in his position a plant-a very special plant. Alphonso has skills, amazing skills only when he is sleeping. Alphonso, using his special skills must get this special plant to the main city of Dormia. If he doesn't he could kill the last remaining citizens of Dormia. But he could also kill himself in the process.
This is a fast-pace, adventurous fantasy that many will enjoy.
I found the website very interesting and helpful, so you may want to refer to it while you are reading the book. There is additional information about the authors as well.
The World of Dormia:

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Votes Were Turned-In: Results in April

Into the Wild

Tapestry: Hound of Rowan
The One Where the Kid Nearly Jumps to his death and lands in California

Chronicles of Vladimir Todd: Eigth Grade Bytes

First Light
5 Judges-5 Titles

Which books have you read?

Which books would you vote for?

In April, we will see which book Missouri students thought.

The Newest Book-In-Hand:

I have two books left from the Mark Twain list, and this is one.

In this book, the main Vassor Spore is an over-achiever, one who has to do better than anyone else. Her current goal is to get a 5.3 grade point average to be the top in her class. So she has her life planned out until the call from her grandmother. And boy does grandma have plans for her next summer!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Thank-you For My New Name By Mrs. Buchanan

I would like to thank Mr. P for creating the name Mrs. Book-in-hand and the BAM (Books and More)club for spreading it around the school. The name is very creative. :)

Other new things--Checkout the shelfari that I have added. On the shelf, you will see the children'ts and young adult books that I have been reading. So far, I have liked most of the books that I have read!

So the Book-In-Hand now is:Each chapter is the personal account of two boys who would rather fight each other then to look at one another. Punishment is to play games in the principal's office. You learn surprising things about each boy. I'm not finished with the book yet...but so far, so good!

Author information can be found at: