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Monday, May 30, 2011

A Farwalker's Quest by Joni Sensel

Truman Nominee 2011-2012

  From Fool to one of the most valuable folks around--A Farwalker, and she is the only one left alive.  So what can a farwalker do that someone else can't.  It seems that Ariel has many talents--She has a bead that will help her light the darkest corners of a cave.  She has the skills of a healtouch.  She has the courage to move forward in danger.  She has power when she needs it.  She has the skills communicate with the dead (o.k. so far just one dead person).  When she can't do something she has friends that can help help.  What else do you need for a journey.

I found myself with her, every step of the way.  From the time she began her Naming Test, to being kidnapped for a dart.  I mean a telling dart with secret message.  It is this message that tends to bring the Finder's looking for her.  They are not coming to help her out!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Witch and Wizard by James Patterson and Gabrielle Charbonnet

So whart are some of the worst things about being a witch or wizard?
1.  Not knowing that you are one until you are older.
2.  Not knowing your special powers.
3.  Not being able to use them whenever you want.
4.  Living during the time of the New Order.

These are just a few of the things that happen in this action pack story of Whit and Wisty.  They are abducted from the beds at night and accused of being a witch and wizard.  But are they really.  During the time of the New Order, their world has turned upside down and they need to work together to turn it back. 
To learn more about this and other books by James Patterson, be sire tp check out his site at:

First Lines::
It's overwhelming. A city's worth of angry faces staring at me like I'm a wicked criminal--which, I promise you, I'm not.

Monday, May 2, 2011

If The Witness Lied by Caroline B. Cooney

So what would happen if the witness lied?  Take one family, 2 tragedies, and one evil baby and you have ....  a television reality show.  

 After the funeral of their father, the three teens deal with the tragedy in their own way.  One stays nome to take care of the younger brother.  A sister takes off to private college, and another runs off to live with her God parents.  One year later, the three realize that family is more than the individuals that make it up.  They also begin questioning if their little brother (2-years-old) could have really killed their father.

If you like mysteries, this would be the book for you!
Don't foget to check out the book trailer::